JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta General Election Commission (KPU) immediately summoned all political parties (parpol) in the capital to provide guidance in completing the administrative requirements for legislative candidates (bacaleg).

"We will invite political parties to be given information on what parties the party must follow up on whose candidates will have the status of not meeting the requirements (BMS)," said Head of the Technical Division for the Implementation of the DKI KPU Election, Dody Wijaya, Tuesday, July 4, as reported by Antara.

He explained that 18 political parties and the DKI Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) were also invited to the meeting on Wednesday, July 5.

This assistance is provided so that political parties and balaleg can be helped in completing the files so that they can be submitted to the DKI KPU no later than 9 July 2023.

According to Dody, the administrative verification results were given to political parties because they did not fulfill several elements, such as the lack of a requirement letter from political parties to the legalization of diplomas.

"Then there are those whose diplomas have not been legalized, some have not attached a health certificate, that can actually be corrected immediately," he said.

In addition, there are several legislators registered in double elections, double parties to nominations in the DPRD and DPR RI.

Therefore, the DKI KPU hopes that all political parties present can absorb the explanation properly so that the file repair process can run optimally.

Previously, the DKI KPU returned 1,676 leg files to be completed.

"Babileg DPRD DKI Jakarta Province as many as 1,902 people. Those who meet the requirements are 226 people or equivalent to 11.88 percent, the rest are returned to be completed," said Chairman of the DKI Jakarta KPU, Wahyu Dinata in a press statement, Monday, July 26.

Wahyu said the file was returned for violating several things, such as the difference in the writing of names in the Candidate Information System (Silon), with a BB model form.

In addition, a BB Model Form was still found with a Prospective Statement Letter that was not marked.

Finally, some of the balaleg diplomas were not submitted in accordance with the education degrees that were held.

Now, his party opens up opportunities for political parties to hand back the files that have been corrected.

Wahyu said the file could be submitted back to the DKI KPU from June 26 to July 9, 2023.

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