The Central Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit conducted an in-depth investigation regarding the raid on the abortion practice site on Jalan Merah Delima, Sumur Batu, Kemayoran District, Central Jakarta.

The main suspect with the initials SM (55) became the executor of illegal abortion practices. From the confession of the suspect SM, it turns out that he has dozens of illegal abortion practices in the Kemayoran area, Central Jakarta.

"From the perpetrator's confession, there have been more than 50 patients (who were aborted). According to the driver's initials NA, every Sunday, approximately 25 people are transported there (the place of the abortion)," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Komarudin at the location, Thursday, June 29.

In their action, SM and his gang took action to find targets for abortion service users through online sites and social media accounts.

"They operate through social media and then they continue through Java WA. After being established, they determine where to go and then pick them up. It was the driver (suspect with the initials NA) who we also took because he took them for a shuttle," he said.

The SM suspect signed on Jalan Merah Delima, Sumur Batu, Kemayoran for 1.5 months. Since the beginning of signing, the perpetrators immediately carried out the practice of abortion.

"In our area, they have contracted for approximately one month and a half. According to their confession, it was only May 15, 2023 (early contracting), then they started the first operation until now. Approximately 1 month and a half (operating)," he said.

Previously, as many as 7 abortion practices actors on Jalan Merah Delima, Sumur Batu, Kemayoran District, Central Jakarta were arrested by the ranks of the Central Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit.

"The discovery of a practice place suspected of being an abortion from reports from residents who were suspicious of activities at the location," said Central Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Komarudin at the location, Wednesday, June 28.

Kombes Komarudin said the seven arrested perpetrators were the executors who practiced abortion. The police are also conducting a crime scene (TKP) investigation.

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