JAKARTA - The Criminal Action Task Force for Trafficking in Persons (TPPO) formed by the National Police Chief, General Listyo Sigit, has named 649 people as suspects.
This number is the result of prosecution in the period 5 to 27 June.
"There are 649 suspects in the TIP case," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, to reporters, Wednesday, June 28.
In addition, the TIP Task Force at the Bareskrim and Polda levels has received 560 police reports (LP). Most of them have entered the investigation stage.
Ramadan also said that of the hundreds of TIP cases that had been revealed, 1,840 victims could be saved. The majority of them are deceived by the mode of being used as Indonesian migrant workers (PMI).
"The mode of migrant workers or household assistants (PRT) is 405 cases," he said.
One example of the PMI mode TIP case revealed by the NTB Police. Where, the suspect sent the victim to Turkey or not according to the promised.
"After the administrative process has been made, the victim left for the airport, it was found that the victim would be dispatched to Turkey, not to Abudabi according to the initial visit," said Ramadhan.
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