JAKARTA - Minister of Villages for Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration (Mendes PDTT) Abdul Halim Iskandar said that the Village Fund recipients were reduced by seven villages to 74,954 villages.
"According to the Regulation of the Minister of Finance Number 201 of 2022, the original amount is budgeted for by the Village Fund to 74,961 villages. However, there are seven villages that cannot receive Village Funds for various reasons," said Mendes PDTT Abdul Halim Iskandar in his statement in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Friday, June 23.
There are several things so that the village does not get the distribution of Village Funds, namely because of the recommendations of the Financial Audit Agency (BPK), the village does not exist, and has not been revoked from the list registered by the Ministry of Home Affairs, and for other reasons.
Mendes menyebutkan tujuh desa yang tidak mendapatkan Dana Desa yakni dua desa yang terdampak Lumpur Lapindo di Sidoarjo yaitu Desa Renokenongo dan Desa Kedungbendo.
"Then Kanekes Village in Lebak Banten Regency, this is because culturally it has not been able to accept the presence of the Village Fund," said Gus Halim, as he is usually called.
Regarding Kenekes Village, Mendes PDTT said that his ministry had made an effort to understand the importance of Village Funds for development in Kenekes.
Then the Jambu Alur Village in Tamiang Aceh Regency because the village area is a plantation area. Wanarejo Village, Balangan Regency in South Kalimantan, Baturaja Village, West Aceh Regency in Nangroe Aceh Darussalam, and Misabugoid Village, Manokwari Regency in West Papua.
Mendes PDTT explained that the 2023 Village Fund ceiling was IDR 68 trillion. As of June 19, 2023, Village Funds were distributed to IDR 30.97 trillion in 72,620 villages. Meanwhile, Village Funds were distributed specifically to BLT of IDR 3.88 trillion to 2.75 million KPM in 71,984 villages.
He added that the achievements of the 2023 Village Fund Program, especially to support the village economy, namely the construction and repair of 1,399 km of roads, construction of 6,269 meters of bridges, 34 village market units, 13 reservoir units, 248 irrigation units, 22 BUMDes activities, nine boat mooring units, and 326 land retaining units.
Meanwhile, the Village Fund to improve the quality of life of the village community is the construction of 143 sports facilities, 3,393 clean water units, 730 MCK units, 149 PAUD activities, and 150 posyandu units, 1,396 units of Polindes, 136,430 meters of drainage, and 457 units of wells.
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