The panel of judges at the DKI Jakarta High Court postponed the reading of the appeal decision for the defendant Inspector General Teddy Minahasa until next month. The reason is that it still takes time to examine and study the appeal file.
"Because the panel still needs time to research and study the file of the criminal appeal case on behalf of the defendant Teddy Minahasa," said Public Relations Officer of PT DKI Jakarta, Binsar Pamopo Pakpahan in his statement, Tuesday, June 20.
For that reason, the panel of judges postponed the trial with the agenda of reading the verdict until July 6, 2023. Later, the trial will begin at around 09.30 WIB.
Originally, the trial for reading the appeal decision of the defendant Teddy Minahasa was scheduled for Wednesday, June 21.
Meanwhile, Hotman Paris as Teddy Minahasa's attorney confirmed that he would appeal the life sentence to his client in a drug trafficking case.
"After the trial of the verdict, Teddy Minahasa was sentenced to life imprisonment, Teddy asked to file an appeal," said Hotman.
Hotman said that apart from asking for an appeal, Teddy was also confused because many things were not considered.
"Teddy has issued an order to destroy September 28, but how come there are still October sales? Between September to October, prosecutors and judges did not consider whether there was evidence that Teddy Minahasa was still ordering him to sell," said Hotman.
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