Central Java (Central Java) Governor Ganjar Pranowo launched the application of the Manggal One-Stop Administration of the Digital Mandiri Business Entity Agency (Samsat Budiman) as a form of commitment to simplify tax payments for taxpayers in villages. Samsat Budiman is a new effort initiated by the Central Java Provincial Government by maximizing the existence of a village-owned enterprise as a source of service. The Budiman Samsat Service Program is a website-based online service that makes it easier for taxpayers to get taxes. Ganjar said that through this BUMDes-runed service, people who want to pay taxes do not need to come to the Samsat office which is usually quite far apart. They just come to Budiman Samsat outlets in the BUMDes Office.' In addition, the opening hours of outlets are also more flexible, namely from morning to evening so that it is very helpful for the community in paying taxes,'' said Ganjar, quoted by ANTARA, Monday 19 June.Ganjar hopes that through Samsat Budiman can increase public awareness in paying taxes, because its existence provides the ease of the community in fulfilling the obligation to pay taxes. This is a new way so that the income targets are achieved, they feel relaxed. Thank you many very creative villages then they have good BUMDes, then try to collaborate as a power for resources that reaches the end," he said.. In addition to increasing regional income, he hopes that public awareness of paying taxes will also continue to increase, especially based on data from Bapenda, there are currently 7,329 BUMDes spread across Central Java which have the potential to participate. So that our income targets are much better so that later we can give back to the community for faster development, more evenly distributed and coverage, much moreover, "he said.

On that occasion, Ganjar also reminded all officials involved in this field, especially in the service so as not to make it difficult for taxpayers. "I entrust it to all of them, especially regarding ID cards. People want to pay taxes, you know, don't make it difficult," he also said.

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