JAKARTA - President of the United States (US) Joe Biden promised to replace the US Government's vehicle fleet with an electric vehicle model. The total is 650 thousand US service vehicles.

Biden's announcement on Monday, January 25 local time, is in line with the plan of the Joe Biden-Kamala Harris Administration which focuses on clean energy, as reported by Reuters.

"The federal government also has a very large fleet of vehicles, which we will replace with clean electric vehicles made right here in America, which are made by American workers," said Biden.

Earlier, Biden criticized existing rules that allowed vehicles to be considered US-made when purchased by the US, while still containing significant non-American-made components.

Biden said he would close the 'gap' that would allow key parts, such as engines, steel and glass to be produced abroad, for vehicles deemed US-made.

If this is realized, the US Government will have to spend up to US $ 20 billion or more. There has been no White House response regarding the plan to replace the US service vehicle fleet.

For information, the Public Service Administration (GSA) data states that the US Government has 645 thousand service vehicles, to travel rarely 4.5 billion miles by consuming 375 million gallons of diesel fuel and gasoline throughout 2019.

In total, the US Government spent 4.4 billion US dollars on federal vehicle costs in 2019. Meanwhile, as of July 2020, the US Government had 3,125 electric vehicles.

This policy may be related to the executive order 'Buy America', a promise to create 1 million new jobs in the automotive industry, development of clean energy technology to the construction of 550 thousand electric vehicle charging stations.

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