Toya Wening Surakarta, Central Java, has stopped water treatment due to waste polluting the Bengawan Solo River since Friday (16/6) morning.
Surakarta PDAM Information and Documentation Management Officer, Bayu Tunggul in Solo, Friday said water treatment operations had stopped from 06.00-15.00 WIB.
"Currently it is operational again, hopefully it will be stable," he said as quoted by ANTARA, Friday, June 16.
His party has coordinated with the Environment Agency (DLH). Moreover, in the last few weeks there has also been a "pladu", where the fish in the Bengawan Solo River are drunk so that they appear on the surface due to being polluted by waste.
"This means that the waste in Mojolaban has not been handled. The waste is from alcohol MSMEs," he said.
Bayu hopes that the DLH of Sukoharjo Regency and DLH of Central Java Province can act immediately considering that the water source from Bengawan Solo concerns the lives of many people.
"Our production is 80-90 liters/second," said Bayu Tunggul.
Meanwhile, the Supervisor of the Semanggi Water Processing Installation (IPA), Mulyono, said that since 06.00 WIB, the water in the river has been blackish.
"Almost entered our raw water, so at 06.00 WIB we turned off the pump," he said.
He said the incident occurred almost every year, especially during the dry season.
"Every year of subscription, when it is dry there must be pollution. Most likely from the tributaries of the Samin River. If I'm not mistaken there is alcohol waste," said Mulyono.
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