JAKARTA - The Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo, provided the Governor of Teaching material at SMAN 1 Kradenan, Grobogan Regency, with the theme "The Generation of Smart Pancasila Forts with a Culture and Anti Hoax Consistent Media".

In the session, Ganjar Pranowo explained about the demographic bonus that Indonesia will get in 2045. More than 800 students enthusiastically listened and had a dialogue with Ganjar Pranowo, who delivered the material in an attractive and interactive way.

Ganjar Pranowo is optimistic about the realization of Indonesia Gold 2045 after seeing the potential and talents possessed by the younger generation in Indonesia. He invited schools and teachers to direct students to develop their talents and interests.

Ganjar Pranowo also provides support to students who have talents who may not be supported by the surrounding environment, and encourages them to continue to create works and programs that are beneficial to society.

In addition, Ganjar Pranowo also appreciated students who respect cultural diversity and are able to apply it in everyday life. He believes that by combining intellectual and emotional intelligence, the younger generation can achieve better achievements.

Thus, Ganjar Pranowo through the Governor Teaching program at SMAN 1 Kradenan gave inspiration and enthusiasm to students to realize Indonesia Gold 2045 through the formation of a young generation that is intelligent, cultured, and committed to Pancasila.

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