Based on the release of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN), at least 97,563 toddlers in Maluku are at risk of being exposed to stunting.

"We regret that the handling of stunting in this area is not optimal and the number of toddlers who are at risk of being exposed to stunting is quite large, namely 97,563 toddlers. Therefore, we are trying to invite Commission IV partners who directly have a stunting reduction management program to find a common solution," said Chairman of Commission IV of the Maluku DPRD, Samson Roofary, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, June 14.

He said the Maluku Health Office explained that actually the mapping of the root of the problem was clear, but there were weaknesses, because they had not been well structured and organized, including the intervention.

"Each regional apparatus organization (OPD) is still running separately, and we will see the Maluku Community and Village Empowerment Service, where their program which is directly related to stunting handling is only Rp. 175 million," said Samson.

However, there is a program whose budget is allocated Rp. 4 billion given to the provincial PKK management labeled stunting reduction activities, but if explained very far from what has become a direct activity related to reducing stunting rates.

"Because it has been budgeted, we ask the PMD Office related to the provincial level PKK latrines to focus on the wives of the village heads who are coordinated with the BKKBN for villages that have stunted locus and the high risk is recorded by the wives of the village heads who are also the chairman of Posyandu," he said.

They must be given a good understanding and aspect of stunting management to return to the village and together with Posyandu to carry out the handling.

If they have been trained, the local government will give them the village level paringing ambassador title.

According to the regulations, the deputy governor is the head of the provincial level Stunting Handling Acceleration Team (TPPS) and the deputy chairman is the Regional Secretary, Head of Bappeda, and PKK.

However, the stunting handling budget is mostly directed at PKK, so that the heads of TPPS and representatives also cannot move.

In 2022, the stunting reduction target in Maluku is 23 percent of the 28 percent, but the realization is only 26.2 percent.

Suddenly the stunting risk toddler data appeared again, which reached 97,563, and that means that in 2022 the province's paringing mother will fail.

Therefore, through this working meeting, the commission wants to re-effective the provincial and governor TPPS must coordinate with the regents and mayors, various assistance programs provided, basic food assistance for stunting child categories.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Maluku Health Office, Meikyal Pontoh, said that the most potentially stunted ones were those who were in the yellow line category, otherwise they would enter the red line.

"Then, TPPS has determined various programs to handle so that these babies do not enter the red line through a specific approach by the Health Office and a sensitive approach by other OPDs that enter the TPPS," said Meikyal.

For example, the availability of clean water, housing that is livable, to the availability of food that is categorized as a sensitive approach.

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