JAKARTA - Novel Baswedan mentions that the issue of radicalism and the Taliban which has gone viral on social media is often used by corrupt supporters who are disturbed by the process of investigating corruption by their institutions.

"The radical-Taliban issue has often been used by supporters of corruptors, even though it is clear that it is a false and fabricated issue," Novel explained to reporters, as reported by VOI, Monday, January 25.

According to him, this issue is often used by corrupt supporters to attack KPK. This always happens when the anti-graft commission investigates corruption cases.

"Comrades have been able to mark that the issue was raised. Usually there are interests of those who have been disturbed by the KPK and so far this has been true. If KPK is working properly to fight corruption then they (supporters of corruptors) will attack using that issue," he said.

Meanwhile, previously a researcher from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) who is now a member of KPK Supervisory Board, Syamsuddin Haris, once denied the issue of taliban within KPK.

Syamsuddin has collaborated with KPK in the context of research. He admitted that he did not find any traits that led to the identity of the Taliban in the anti-corruption agency.

"There is no Taliban. It is a figment to justify an older brother (read: police) entering and tormenting the KPK," Syamsuddin wrote at that time via his Twitter account @sy_haris.

The term Taliban and Indian Police Group was first coined by police observer of Indonesia Police Watch, Neta S. Pane. The Taliban group referred to investigator Novel Baswedan under the auspices of KPK. Meanwhile, the Indian Police refers to investigators from the National Police.

Novel Baswedan feels that these slanderous narratives are still effective in attacking corruption eradication. However, he believes the public is getting smarter in responding to these problems.

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