Encouraging The Summary Bill, Deputy Chairperson Of The MPR Reminds The Importance Of Museum Governance Studies
The fine art work of the artist Soni Irawan (center) is displayed in a joint exhibition. (Instagram @soni_irawan_soni)

JAKARTA - MPR Deputy Chair Lestari Moerdijat reminded the importance of a good museum governance study so that museum functions can be felt by the wider community. According to him, it is important that it is contained in the Draft Law (RUU) of the Museum.

Lestari conveyed this when she was a keynote speaker at the Bakohumas DPR's Thematic Forum with the theme "Responding to the Challenges of Museum Management through the Summary Bill" in the Abdul Muis DPR Room, Jakarta, Monday, June 5.

"It is important to review how good museum governance is built so that museum functions can be felt by the wider community," Lestari said in her statement, quoted by Antara.

Lestari is of the opinion that the bureaucratic structure that handles the current national announcement must be addressed immediately.

He said the current issue of the announcement was handled by the Pokja Permuseum at the Directorate of Energy Development and Cultural Institutions, a non-structural work unit, with less assertive authority.

"After the announcement was handled by the Sub-Directorate of Summary at the Directorate of Cultural Conservation and Summary Protection, it was also handled by the Directorate of Museuman/Museum in the Directorate General of Culture," he explained.

In fact, continued Lestari, the museum is one of the institutions that functions to educate the nation's life, and is a mandate from the constitution. He hopes that the presence of the Summary Law will not extend the list of problems in the management of museums in the country.

He also encouraged the priority of dialogue with stakeholders regarding the management of museums in the country in the discussion of the Draft Sumatra Bill. This is so that the laws that are present are able to answer various problems faced by the current national meeting.

On that occasion, he also reminded that a number of policies related to national culture should be implemented properly with clear arrangements.

"So that in the current discussion of the Summary Bill, it must also pay special attention to budget political certainty and provide space for technological developments in the management of museums in Indonesia," said Lestari.

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