JAKARTA - Chairman of the Betawi Deliberative Council (Bamus), Abraham Lunggana (Haji Lulung), invited all religious communities to pray for safety for the nation and state in responding to the series of disasters in Indonesia.

"Prayer is specifically intended to ask for help from Allah SWT, Almighty God, so that our country is saved and kept away from all dangers in responding to the various disasters that have occurred," said Haji Lulung in his statement in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Friday, January 22.

Haji Lulung expressed his deep concern and conveyed his deep sorrow to the victims of the various calamities that have been felt repeatedly to Indonesia.

"I also invite all my compatriots and nationals so that all of us and the victims are strengthened in accepting the burden of this great ordeal," said Lulung, who is currently a member of the Indonesian Parliament.

Haji Lulung emphasized that this call was not only for Muslims, but also for all religious communities in Indonesia. Indonesia as a religious country should always return various trials and calamities to God Almighty.

Especially in Jakarta as the location of his electoral district, Lulung also invited all residents to pray for the capital to be kept away from any calamities and disasters, especially from potential flood disasters due to extreme weather as predicted by BMKG.

The people of Jakarta are urged to be more aware of the dangers of natural disasters. Especially at this time, Indonesia is grappling with the increasing number of COVID-19 cases.

"To all citizens of Jakarta, let's pray together, that Jakarta may be kept away and saved from all disasters and calamities. With prayer, let us hope that we can deliver aid and give mercy to the entire Indonesian nation," said one of the NU Jakarta figures.

National Penance

In addition, Haji Lulung also invited all the nation's children, especially leaders and figures, to make national repentance.

"Inviting national repentance to all the nation's children, especially leaders and figures so that this prolonged tragedy will quickly end," he said.

According to Lulung, a prayer must also be accompanied by human behavior that is not detrimental to themselves, others and the environment.

"Disasters, disasters and damage on earth are also caused by humans who are unjust, dishonest, greedy, unfair, so that nature reacts and rebukes the evil that occurs on earth," he said.

Therefore, this dishonorable behavior must be ended immediately and let's return to truth, honesty and justice so that the damage and destruction do not get worse.

"Therefore, our prayers must be accompanied by repentance asking for forgiveness from Allah SWT," said Haji Lulung.

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