Directorate of Drug Crimes (Dittipidnarkoba) Bareskrim Polri uncovered the practice of producing international network ecstasy at the Lab Factory in the Lavon Swan City Cluster Estate area of Escanta 2 No.5 KP Kawaron Girang, Sindang Jaya District, Tangerang Regency.
Kabareskrim Polri, Komjen Pol Agus Adriansyah, four perpetrators were arrested. They are a network in purchasing raw materials and producing ecstasy.
He added that there are two more suspects who are currently on the wanted list (DPO).
"For the total number of suspects who were arrested, there were four people with the initials TH, N, MR and ARD," Agus told reporters in Tangerang Regency, Friday, June 2.
"There are two more suspects still on the DPO and of course we will take development steps with the joint team related to the origin of ecstasy in Central Java and Banten," he continued
He explained that the disclosure began with information from the Customs Office regarding the entry of a type of drug production device through goods delivery services.
Furthermore, Customs and Excise coordinates with Bareskrim Polri to carry out development by means of control delivery of the ownership of these goods.
"Once the goods arrive, a follow-up will be carried out by controlling delivery by the joint team," he said.
From the results of the development, he said, it was known that the goods were sent to the Sindang Jaya area, Tangerang Regency. So, his party instructed the Banten Police's Narcotics Directorate team to take steps to uncover the case.
"In Tangerang, two TH and N suspects were successfully secured by successfully confiscating evidence, namely 517 orange goods or ecstasy," he said.
The two suspects who were detained in Banten are recidivists with the same case acting as makers/productors of the ecstasy items.
"Yes, if these perpetrators are indeed prisoners, it is possible that they are smarter. So study there, then for where the goods come from, we are still investigating," he explained.
Ditambahkan, Kasubdit I Direktorat Tindak Pidana Narkoba Bareskrim Polri Komisaris Besar Jean Calvijn Simanjuntak setelah mengungkap di wilayah Banten. Pihaknya, kemudian melakukan pengembangan ke daerah Semarang, Jawa Tengah.
"We found that there was one package ready to be sent to Semarang, it was corroborated by evidence of delivery. And then other facts during the arrest process there were still items," he said.
He said that at the location in Semarang City, Central Java, joint investigators had two suspects, namely MR and ARD, who also played the role of the maker of the ecstasy drug.
As for the results of this disclosure, various types of evidence were successfully secured, namely 11 large packs, each containing ecstasy with a total of 25,000 ecstasy pills, 2 plastic clips, each containing a suspected ecstasy capsule with a total of 1,000 pills and 8 plastic ecstasy clips with a total of 1,380 ecstasy pills.
Meanwhile, for the evidence that the material has not yet been secured, various types of precursors such as markium powder, mdt, magnesium white powder and pentylone powder with a total weight of 46,250 grams, 1 liter methamphetamine, precursors such as methanol 3 liters, capsul caffeine 200 capsules, 1 tablet printing machine unit, various kinds of LAB clans equipment and communication tools.
The current four suspects, Article 114 junto 132 paragraph 1 subsidiary Article 112 junto Article 132 paragraph 1, in conjunction with the subsidiary Article 113 Article 132 paragraph 1 of RI Law No. 35 of 2009 with the maximum threat of the death penalty.
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