Recognizing Foods That Can Accelerate Pregnancy
Pregnancy illustration. (Photo: Unsplash)

JAKARTA - Having a baby is the dream of every married couple. Various efforts will also be undertaken, starting from consulting with an obstetrician to carrying out various treatments including diet to maintain food intake.

Obstetrician Thomas Chayadi said that to accelerate pregnancy, expectant mothers must pay attention to the food intake that enters their body. Foods that have a good effect on pregnancy should contain balanced macronutrients and micronutrients.

"Macronutrients consist of carbohydrates, protein and fat," he said, via a short message received by VOI, in Jakarta, Sunday, February 16.

Thomas explained that carbohydrates can be obtained from consuming oats or other types of complex carbohydrates such as cereals, potatoes and whole grains. Thomas says the quality and quantity of carbohydrates affect metabolism and insulin sensitivity.

Illustration of cereal. (Photo: Unsplash)

Therefore, Thomas suggested that prospective mothers reduce foods that contain a high glycemic index such as white rice, cakes, or white bread. Because, it can be at risk for ovulation disorders. Excess fiber consumption, which is more than 22 grams per day can also interfere with ovulation.

Protein consumption, said Thomas, also affects the function of reproduction. Protein is also needed for cell formation. Thus, a balanced protein diet is needed by expectant mothers.

"Foods that contain protein such as beef, fish, chicken, and nuts (good for consumption)," he said.

Thomas said, foods that contain polyunsaturated fats such as avocado, olive oil, or salmon can improve the process of egg formation. Conversely, expectant mothers should avoid foods that contain trans fats. Usually found in fast food such as burgers, fried potatoes, fried chicken, or butter.

"Excess saturated fat consumption can interfere with egg cells. Trans fat should also be avoided because it is associated with higher insulin resistance and can interfere with ovulation function," he said.

Meanwhile, said Thomas, foods that contain high saturated fats such as milk and high fat dairy products and other oily foods should also be avoided by expectant mothers.

Then, continued Thomas, foods containing micronutrients consisting of folic acid, vitamin D, and iron must also be consumed by prospective mothers.

Thomas explained that low folic acid levels are associated with poor cell division, increased levels of oxidative stress, and cell death, which can interfere with the process of egg cell development.

"Because it is very important to consume foods that contain folic acid. Like green vegetables, nuts, seeds and beets or take folic acid supplements if you want to get pregnant or when you are pregnant," he said.

Salmon fish illustration. (Photo: Unsplash)

Vitamin D, said Thomas, also plays an important role in human reproduction. Low vitamin D levels are associated with high androgen levels in women with PCOS. Therefore, Vitamin D supplementation is needed.

"Vitamin D can be obtained by basking in the morning sunshine, and foods such as cod liver oil, salmon, tuna, sardines, beef liver and button mushrooms," he said.

Iron also plays an important role in ovulation. Thomas explained that women with iron deficiency anemia and low ferritin levels were found in women with fertility disorders.

"Foods that contain iron are found in red meat, beans, egg yolks, dark or green leafy vegetables," he explained.

Obesity, Underweight and Difficulty for Pregnancy

Thomas said reproductive health had a negative impact by increasing body mass index (BMI) or obesity compared to women with normal BMI.

"Women with a high BMI (obesity) are three times more likely to experience impaired fertility. Lower ovulation reduces egg quality. Lower rates of spontaneous pregnancy (lower embryo quality), and increased risk of miscarriage," he said.

Meanwhile, for women with underweight problems, it can also be associated with many things that interfere with reproduction, including disorders of low sex hormone secretion. So that causes ovulation disorders, menstrual disorders, and low sex appetite.

"Women with underweight have almost twice the risk of experiencing fertility problems. Therefore, if women are underweight, they must improve their nutritional status to restore fertility function and other adverse effects from low BMI," he explained.

Maintain food consumption the goal is to balance hormones to increase fertility. Therefore, said Thomas, expectant mothers must pay attention to hormones that need to be balanced. On the body there are the axes of the hypothalamus, pituitary and ovary.

Thomas explained that these three axes produce gonadotropin hormones which play a role in stimulating the formation and maturation of egg cells. In addition, there are hormones estrogen and progesterone which are also important in preparing the uterine wall to receive an embryo for implantation and pregnancy.

"If one of these hormones is disturbed, it must be checked whether the cause of the disorder is due to poor nutrition or a disturbance in the function of these organs. So it is very important to see a doctor besides consuming healthy foods because it is to ascertain the cause of the disturbance. that, "he said.

Food Increase Sperm of Prospective Father

Not only mothers-to-be who must pay attention to food intake to accelerate pregnancy. In fact, the prospective father must also pay attention to foods that can support sperm quality in order to accelerate the occurrence of pregnancy.

"Consumption of saturated fat, processed or fatty meat is associated with a decrease in the quality of the shape and movement of sperm," he said.

Prospective fathers, said Thomas, must also make a diet that is high in fruits and vegetables. The goal is to maintain optimal sperm function because it contains anti-oxidants and folic acid.

Excessive coffee consumption is considered to inhibit pregnancy. (Photo: Unsplash)

"Consumption of vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, folic acid and other antioxidants can improve sperm concentration, movement and reduce DNA damage, as well as increase pregnancy rates. A high alcohol diet can interfere with sperm function, interfere with hormone profiles in men. more than five cups of coffee per day can increase DNA damage in sperm, "he explained.

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