JAKARTA - Lukas Shane's attorney, Happy SP Sihombing, said that his client had been offered Rp1.5 million and a cellphone by an unknown person while undergoing detention at the Polda Metro Jaya detention center.

"Someone wants to visit Shane he claims to be family and gives Rp1.5 million and a cellphone. But I told Shane whoever came and gave him something he refused," Happy said, Friday, May 26.

At the time of the incident, the police immediately took the money and cellphone that was handed over to Lukas Shane to be returned to the giver. But the so-called lawyer fled.

"The Tahti officer at the Polda (Metro Jaya) immediately returned it but coincidentally the person fled," he said.

Until now, Happy is still surprised by the purpose of the unknown person giving the cellphone and Rp 1.5 million.

"We also don't know what the purpose and purpose were, some time ago," he said.

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