JAKARTA - The Head of Civil Affairs and Traction of the Technical Division of PTPN XI 2015-2017 Subagio was examined as a witness by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

This examination was carried out because the KPK is currently investigating alleged corruption related to the procurement and installation of the Six Roll Mill at the Djatiroto Sugar Factory owned by PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) XI, Surabaya, East Java for the 2015-2016 period.

"Subagio, Head of Civil and Traction Affairs, Technical Division of PTPN XI from 2015 to 2017. The person concerned was asked for information regarding the aanwijzing process that was followed in the procurement of a six roll mill, which is related to technical matters, especially machines and heavy equipment," said Acting KPK spokesman for the field of prosecution. Ali Fikri, Friday, January 22.

Apart from Subagio, investigators also summoned Djoko Marto, who was a former staff of the 2014-2015 PTPN XI Procurement Division. However, he was not present and asked for a reschedule.

Furthermore, investigators also examined three witnesses on Wednesday, January 20. They are the Head of Business Planning Affairs PTPN XI PPB Division Agus Amanda; retired PTPN XI Surabaya Sutarno; and Director of PT Hastaco Multi Sarana.

Agus Amanda, said Ali, studied his previous position as Head of Business Plan at PTPN XI who made the proposed procurement plan.

Meanwhile, Sutarno has deepened his knowledge regarding his position as a technical staff who was also involved in the six roll mill procurement process.

"Meanwhile Adi Wijarwo, Director of PT. Hastaco Multi Sarana was not present and will be rescheduling," he said.

Previously reported, the KPK still has not explained in detail the construction of this case as well as the parties that have been named as suspects.

This is because, based on the current leadership policy, the construction of the case and the party determined by the suspect will be conveyed after an attempt was made against the suspects.

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