BOGOR One of the minimarkets in the Karadenan Village area, Cibinong District, Bogor Regency, was targeted by robbers, Wednesday 24 night. The robber who was carrying a sharp weapon with a machete pointed at the minimarket employee and arrested him. Head of Cibinong Police (Kapolsek) AKP Waluyo explained that the robbery of the minimarket was reported to have occurred on Wednesday, around 23.00 WIB. At that time, he said, there were two minimarket employees guarding. According to the police chief, initially there were two people wearing online motorcycle taxi clothes entering the minimarket. They wanted to buy cigarettes and drinks. When they were about to pay, the police chief said that the perpetrators immediately pointed a machete at the two employees who were on guard at the time. Then these perpetrators asked to open the safe lock while threatening,' said the police chief, in his written statement, Thursday, May 25. According to the police chief, because he was threatened, minimarket employees went straight to the safe and opened the safe door. Then, he said, the perpetrators arrested the two minimarket employees in the back warehouse.

The perpetrators who used the motorbike were reported to have taken away money of around Rp. 16 million, cigarettes, and formula milk. It is estimated that the value of the loss due to the robbery reached around Rp. 20 million.," said the police chief.

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