Top Spanish Officials Resign After Breaking In Line For COVID-19 Vaccines
Illustration (Hakan Nural / Unsplash)

JAKARTA - Spain's top health official Manuel Villegas has resigned after receiving the first phase of the COVID-19 vaccine. He was protested because he was not included in priority groups, such as health workers on the front lines.

Launched by Reuters on Thursday, January 21, at first, Villegas refused to resign. But the public insisted, until there were calls for his resignation.

Even so, Villegas still confirmed that she had received the COVID-19 vaccine earlier. He defended himself and felt he had done nothing wrong.

Villegas believes that he is a doctor. His daily job makes Villegas often interact with other health workers who are at high risk of being infected with COVID-19.

However, Villegas is not a field health worker. The audience thinks Villegas is a politician.

"The local newspapers say I'm a doctor, they don't say I'm a politician," he told reporters, adding that about 400 members in his department had been vaccinated. "It is a decision I believe in and I continue to defend it," he added.

His statement sparked public anger, especially politicians from Spain's left and right parties. They asked Villegas to resign.

The regional head of Murcia, Fernando Lopez Miras, finally agreed to this request. Thereafter, on Wednesday evening Lopez accepted Villegas' resignation.

"Today is my turn to say goodbye to an amazing man. Villegas has been a role model and his performance is perfect," said Lopez.

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