MANADO - Karangetang Volcano Observation Post, Sitaro Islands Regency, North Sulawesi (Sulut) said incandescent lava avalanches point to a number of times that originate from the crater peak with varying sliding distances.

"We hope that residents are aware of the potential for a buildup of volcanic material that has the potential for hot clouds to fall," said Head of the Karangetang Volcano Observation Post, Yudia P Tatipang in Manado as reported by ANTARA, Friday, May 19.

During the observation period on May 19, 2023 at 100,000 WITA to 06.00 WITA, it was stated that incandescent lava avalanches from the main crater occasionally occurred towards Batuawang River, Kahetang, Keting, Bahembang, Batang, Timbelang, and West Beha about 1,000 to 1,500 meters.

Meanwhile, East Beha River often occurs approximately 750 meters, while the sound of lava avalanches sounds weak to strong.

Pos PGA Karangetang mencatat terjadinya gempa embutan sebanyak 23 kali dengan amplitudo antara 195 milimeter dengan durahan 50-170 detik, satu kali gempa suduhan amplitudo 20 milimeter dengan duduhan 15 detik.

Meanwhile, during the observation period from 06.00 WITA to 12.00 WITA, the sound of avalanches sounded weak to a rather strong.

Recorded 14 times of avalanche earthquakes with an amplitude of between 1095 millimeters, duration between 50-160 seconds, one hybrid earthquake/many phase with an amplitude of 20 millimeters, S-P: 0 seconds with an earthquake length of 15 seconds. and one distant tectonic earthquake with an amplitude of 45 millimeters, S-P: 30 seconds with a duration of 175 seconds.

"The avalanche earthquake is still high, while the activity level of Mount Karangetang is on alert level III," said Yudia.

He hopes that residents will comply with the recommendations issued by PVMBG after their status is raised to level III alert starting today at 10.00 WITA.

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