JAKARTA - Oxford scientists in the UK are preparing to quickly produce a new version of the Corona vaccine to combat the more contagious variant of COVID-19 found in the UK, South Africa and Brazil, according to The Telegraph report.

The team behind the vaccine from Oxford and AstraZeneca Plc is conducting a feasibility study to reconfigure the technology, the newspaper said, citing confirmation from the University of Oxford.

Scientists are working to estimate how quickly they can reconfigure their ChAdOx vaccine platform, the report said.

A university spokesperson told the newspaper that Oxford is carefully assessing the impact of the new variant on vaccine immunity and evaluating the processes needed for the rapid development of a customized COVID-19 vaccine.

Oxford has not commented on this.

Separately, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Wednesday that the national drug regulator would be ready and able to give approval for a new version of the COVID-19 vaccine designed to fight any new variants of the Corona Virus that may emerge.

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