JAKARTA - The Judicial Commission (KY) was asked to participate in monitoring the trial process for the boss of the Indosurya Savings and Loans Cooperative (KSP), Henry Surya. The goal is to avoid buying and selling cases.

Henry Surya was originally going to undergo a trial process in the case of alleged forgery of letters and placement of false information in the deed of establishment of KSP Indosurya. This is because the case file has been declared complete by the Attorney General's Office (AGO).

"KY can carry out monitoring with the aim of preventing judicial corruption, buying and selling cases, especially in this case, because this case involves a very large amount of money," said Gadjah Mada University (UGM) Center for Anti-Corruption Studies (Pukat) researcher Zaenur Rohman told reporters, Monday, May 15.

The suggestion was given because he reflected on the case of alleged bribery in handling cases involving a number of Supreme Court judges (MA). With direct supervision from KY, it is hoped that it can minimize the possibility of buying and selling cases.

"The function of KY needs to pay attention to prominent cases," he said.

He emphasized that it was very important for KY to ensure that the trial took place with the principle of propriety. Thus, the results of KY monitoring during the trial can be used as an analytical material if the decision is against.

"Because KY cannot use the decision as a tool to examine judges, but it can be a clue whether the judge's decision is reasonable or unreasonable," said Zaenur.

Henry Surya was initially acquitted in a case of alleged fraud and embezzlement of KSP Indosurya funds by the West Jakarta District Court.

In his decision, the judge assessed that the defendant's actions in the Indosurya KSP case were not criminal, but civil.

In fact, the prosecutor demanded that the Indosurya boss be sentenced to 20 years in prison and a fine of Rp. 200 billion, subsidiary to one year in prison.

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