MAKASSAR - Stories of earthquake victims in West Sulawesi (Sulbar) looking for family cards (KK) in the middle of the ruins of their houses to get instant noodles have been widely shared on social media. Many said that the victims of the West Sulawesi earthquake had to bring their families to get food aid.

What did the Regional Disaster Management Agency say? Head of BPBD Sulbar Darno Majid asked all parties to ensure that all information related to earthquake victims in West Sulawesi is verified. Regarding the news that residents were looking for this KK, Darno admitted that he did not know.

"I don't know about that. What is clear is that I need to straighten it out, don't get any misperceptions, we are half dead at BPBD, there is information that is not true," said the Head of BPBD Sulbar, Darno Majid, contacted by VOI, Wednesday, January 20.

"The BPBD only directs the equipment. If someone comes asking for logistics, meaning food and whatever, we (have) built a post," he said.

This post is located in the stadium, the governor's office house and the West Sulawesi governor's office. In addition, there are a number of posts in the villages. The distribution of aid must still be recorded.

"That is an organized post, there are also posts in sub-districts, in villages. To continue (assistance), there must be an identity, where is the post, who (the recipient), then it is reported to the post and recorded. If there are items (assistance), they will be given immediately, ā€¯continued Darno Majid.

He emphasized that in an emergency situation, earthquake victims who need assistance will be immediately provided. This emergency condition is said to not require identity verification.

"It has to be absolutely clear who can be given. If it is an emergency, just come to the post, we have a post. These items (aid) are accounted for, who takes them, where is the place, there are mechanisms that we go through. So there is nothing difficult, "said Darno Majid.

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