Joe Biden today was sworn in as the new president of the United States (US). Welcoming the new administration, Donald Trump made a farewell speech. It contains hopes for the new government to maintain the prosperity of US security.

Various things he conveyed in the speech video uploaded on YouTube. One of the things he conveyed was his struggle as US president and his achievements during his several years in office.

"I had a difficult battle, the most difficult battle, the most difficult choice because that's what you wanted me to do when choosing me," said Donald Trump in the video, January 20, quoted by VOI from The White House's YouTube channel.

Furthermore, he felt proud that his government had built the strongest economy in the world. Not only that, he is proud of his administration, both for the US and for its involvement with the world.

"I am very proud to be the first president in decades not to start a new war," Trump continued in his speech.

He has conveyed various things related to policies and disclosures. However, how does the world view Trump's behavior in office? There are several Trump policies that are considered controversial, even since his first year in office, along with the details.

In 2015, Trump promised to build a wall on the US-Mexico border. The funds needed to make it happen are 15 billion US dollars. This has faced opposition from various parties, including the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. Discrimination against Several Countries In early 2017, Trump made a decision he considered an attempt to protect the United States from radical groups. His government has suspended certain refugee asylum requests. A number of countries also cannot issue visas for 90 days, namely Syria, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, Libya and Already. Revocation of the Prohibition on Imported Protected Animals In November 2017, the ban on importing elephant heads as hunting trophies was lifted. Elephant heads from Zambia and Zimbabwe can enter the US. The Trump administration also allows hunters to bring game lions to the US "Hunting that is well regulated and legally part of a sound management program can provide benefits for the conservation of certain species," explained the US Fisheries and Wildlife Service. Recognize Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel One of the most shocking was the decision on December 6, 2017. Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. "This recognition is an important fact for achieving peace," said Trump.

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