After Being Appointed, Biden Will Abolish The 7 Rules During Trump's Tenure
Joe Biden. (Instagram/joebiden)

After the inauguration, Joe Biden will remove some of the rules applied during Trump's presidency.

Meanwhile, Trump through his farewell speech conveyed a sense of legowo with the inauguration of Biden as the new US President. In the speech Trump also expressed his accomplishments while holding the United States, launched from VOI.

Biden assessed that several regulations that were implemented during the Trump administration did not pay attention to social, ecological and health aspects.

Here are some of the executive orders he will carry out after sitting in the White House.

· The US will re-join the Paris climate agreement (Paris Ageement). The US will take part in the global fact of reducing carbon emissions.

· Travel bans for some Muslim-majority countries have been lifted.

Wearing masks is mandatory on federal property and interstate travel.

Extend restrictions on national activities to reduce Covid-19 cases

Some of these regulations are only part of the Biden government program. There are still some great programs awaiting the couple Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

The immigration law is planned to be Biden's new homework. Barack Obama, the former US President, is the party who will propose the law in Congress.

In the first 100 days, Biden and his cabinet will also provide 100 million doses of the Covid-19 vaccine to US citizens.

“President-elect Biden will take action. It doesn't just reverse the most devastating damage to the Trump administration. But also to advance our country, "said the White House Chief of Staff, Ron Klain, told the BBC.

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