BATAM - The Riau Islands Environment and Forestry Service (LHK) (Kepri) provides destruction drugs to eliminate black waste contamination on Melayu Beach, Nongsa District, Batam City.

"The Riau Islands LHK Office together with other agencies have provided drugs for destruction and collected and transported them to waste treatment, to clean the beach from pollution," said Head of the Riau Islands LHK Service Hendri when contacted by ANTARA, Wednesday, May 10.

The cleaning of the beaches from the waste pollution was carried out by his party while looking for the origin of the black waste that occurred on May 3, 2023.

"All parties involved are still looking for the origin of this waste, until now there are still no parties who have spilled the oil. We have also coordinated with the ministry regarding this issue," he said.

As for compensation for fishermen affected by this incident, his party will coordinate with the Marine and Fisheries Service (DKP).

"Because the fishermen are in the DKP, from us it has not been budgeted for this compensation," he said.

Meanwhile, the Riau Islands Police are still waiting for the results of the sample test to find out the origin of the black oil waste that polluted the beach.

"It still takes time to find out the results of the sample test whether the waste is used as oil from the engine used on ships that transport waste and leakage. This is still under investigation," said the Director of Special Crimes (Dirkrimsus) of the Riau Islands Police, Kombes Pol Nasriadi.

He explained that there are two types of waste that are currently still being tested for samples. Liquid black waste and black waste are in sacks.

"There are two types of waste, namely liquid black oil waste and waste found in sacks by residents," he said.

In this case, his party will certainly check and trace whether this waste is properly disposed of intentionally or not.

"The current obstacle is because the area is included in international waters, namely the border with Malaysia and Singapore. Now this needs to be coordinated again from the city level to the center," he said.

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