JAKARTA - The lack of knowledge about COVID-19 has made people neglect to apply health protocols. Whereas 3M: wearing a mask, washing hands, and maintaining a distance are effective ways to break the chain of spreading the COVID-19 virus.

For this reason, the COVID-19 Handling Task Force re-encourages the role of Behavior Change Ambassadors in each region. "We direct this Behavior Change Ambassador to assist the community to follow the protocol," said Dr. Sonny Harry B. Harmadi, Head of Behavior Change for the COVID-19 Task Force during a virtual discussion on Containing Covid-19 in Green Areas: Returning Ngada to the Green Zone via the BNPB Indonesia YouTube Channel.

Prof. dr. Hadi Pratomo, MPH, DrPH, Chair of the Research Team for Empowerment, Education and Literacy Related to Covid-19 for Behavior Change in the UI Community, said information related to COVID-19 was known every day. However, people are ignorant because they cannot see the shape of the virus.

"What needs to be emphasized is that the virus is very small and invisible. People feel safe because they are not visible, take off the mask when eating together, so take it easy," he said.

Because Prof. Hadi encouraged virus visualization as a form of education for the public. "We will visualize how far out if sneezing is a liquid. How the virus spreads, so people can change people's behavior," he said.

The community has received a lot of information, but they still need assistance to change their behavior so that they are motivated to obey 3M. "The leaders need to be consistent to set an example for society to continue implementing health protocols," he added.

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