JAKARTA - The domestic electronics industry continues to be encouraged to penetrate and expand the export market. One of the goals is to the United States, as an effort to seize opportunities from the impact of the trade war with China.

"The government is determined to further boost the value of national exports, especially from the industrial sector, which has made the biggest contribution so far," said Director of the Electronics and Telematics Industry, Ministry of Industry, R. Janu Suryanto in Jakarta, Friday, February 14.

According to Janu, increasing the shipping value of manufactured products is considered fast to improve the trade balance deficit while simultaneously boosting national economic growth. This step is in line with the priority programs on the Making Indonesia 4.0 road map.

"One of the aspirations of the roadmap is to encourage an increase in net exports to GDP," he said.

Referring to data throughout 2019, exports of processing industrial products were able to penetrate up to US $ 126.57 billion or contributed 75.5 percent of Indonesia's total exports which touched US $ 167.53 billion over the past year.

"Moreover, based on the roadmap of Making Indonesia 4.0, the electronics industry is one of the five manufacturing sectors that have priority development to be more globally competitive, especially in readiness to enter the industrial era 4.0," he explained.

In 2019, the export value of the computer, electronic and optical products group reached US $ 1.1 billion, an increase compared to the 2018 acquisition of US $ 1 billion.

"We believe that the export value of our electronic products will increase this year," said Janu.

This optimism is because the market niche is still wide open, including to non-traditional countries. "Meanwhile, due to the trade war, reduced supply of electronic products from China to the United States," he added.

Therefore, the Ministry of Industry gives appreciation to domestic electronic companies that are increasingly aggressive in breaking down the export door. "A few days ago, I also released the export of CCTV Camera products made by factories in Tangerang to the United States," said Janu.

The company in question, namely PT Adi Pratama Indonesia, was founded in 2015. Initially this company carried out assembling to create products for cellular phones and tablet PCs. Then developed to produce CCTV Cameras and DVR / NVR / UVR in 2017.

"We see that the sales potential of CCTV cameras is very good, so we finally get orders from buyers in the United States. In the future, we hope to also export NVR, UVR and IPC Camera products, "said Raymond Tedjokusumo, Director of PT Adi Pratama Indonesia.

The number of CCTV cameras produced by PT Adi Pratama Indonesia which was exported to the United States was 1,488 sets or 11,904 units. After being able to penetrate the United States market, PT Adi Pratama Indonesia plans to target several other export destination countries, such as Europe, Turkey, Iran, India, Brazil and Russia.

“As a company that has successfully exported to the US market, we are very pleased with this. We have made improvements in quality and production standards, so that the products we produce can be accepted in the US market. In addition, it will increase sales turnover and performance in our human resources, "he explained.

Raymond assessed that the industrial sector in Indonesia is growing quite rapidly, especially with the assistance and support from the government. "What's more, the government has made preparations to face the industrial era 4.0 with various forms of efforts made, especially by carrying out digital and technological activities," he said.

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