JAKARTA - President of the United States (US) Donald Trump delivered a farewell speech. Through this speech Trump also welcomed the new government. Trump, did not pass by, described all the proud contributions he made during his time as Potus.

Trump prayed that the new administration would safeguard US security and prosperity. Even so, Trump did not even mention the names of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

"This week we inaugurate the new government and pray for its success in maintaining America's security and prosperity. We convey our best wishes, and we also wish them good luck," Trump was quoted as saying by CNA, Wednesday, January 20.

Trump, in his speech, also raised Twitter's decision to suspend his account, @RealDonaldTrump. Twitter, Trump said, has hurt the freedom of speech that the US has always upheld.

"Closing free and open debate violates our core values and most enduring traditions. America is not a timid, timid nation that needs to be protected and protected from people we disagree with," Trump said.

Not to forget that Trump raised his performance again during his tenure as US President. "We did what we wanted to do here. And more than that, I had a difficult battle, the most difficult fight, the most difficult choice. Because that is what you choose for me to do."

Trump also discussed Middle East peace deals he has mediated a lot about. An achievement that Trump is very proud of. In fact, he said he was the first US president to take this step.

"We are revitalizing our alliance and gathering the countries of the world to fight China like never before," he said. "I am very proud to be the first president in decades not to start a new war."

Trump has also opened up, expressing relief from giving up power. Trump said his contribution to the US would not be completed. Leaving the White House, Trump called a sign his move for the US was just beginning.

"Now, as I prepare to hand over power to the new government at noon Wednesday, I want you to know that the movement that we started has only just begun."

"I depart from this majestic place with a loyal and joyful heart and a spirit of optimism and the highest conviction that for our country and for our children, the best is yet to come."

Previously, for months Trump launched a psywar, spreading the narrative of cheating in the US Presidential Election that cost him. Trump also continues to urge authorities to cancel elections.

The pressure has even been transmitted by Trump to his supporters. At a rally near the White House on January 6, Trump encouraged his followers to line up in Congress, while lawmakers legitimized Biden's victory.

Trump is believed to have been hiding in the White House during the final weeks of his term. Trump appeared shaken after the rioting his supporters had on Capitol Hill. The rioting killed five people, including a Capitol Police officer.

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