The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Agam Regency, West Sumatra recorded that four sub-districts in the area were hit by natural disasters in the form of floods, landslides and fallen trees. Disasters following the high rainfall that occurred since last Saturday until today. "Floods, landslides and fallen trees occurred in Palembayan, Ampeknagari, Tanjungraya and Malalak sub-districts," said Head of BPBD Agam, Bambang Warsito in Lubukbasung, quoted from Antara, Sunday, May 7. Palembayan District was hit by floods due to the overflow of the Batang Anggang River and resulted in a national road connecting Padang City to West Pasaman and two housing units being flooded. In Palembayan, he added, landslides also hit the provincial road in Jorong Silungkang, Nagari Tigo Koto Silungkang 10 meters long and five meters high. "We have deployed Pusdalop personnel, Task Force and heavy equipment to clean up landslide material stockpiling the provincial road," he said. Meanwhile, in Malalak District with landslides, precisely in Ambacang, East Nagari Malalak covered road access with a height of about one meter and a length of 15 meters, so that road access could not be passed by four-wheeled vehicles or two-wheeled vehicles. "The heavy equipment has arrived at the location to clean up the landslide material," he said. Meanwhile, in Ampeknagari District, a fallen tree disaster covered the national road connecting Padang City to West Pasaman in Jorong Puduang, Nagari Bawang, Sunday (7/5) around 07.50 WIB and floods in Joronggangan, Nagari Sitianang. In addition, Tanjungraya District with landslides in the Batang River. "The fallen tree has been cleaned, so the traffic flow returns to normal. There were no casualties as a result of the incident," he said. He added that the flood inundated the road would recede if the rainfall subsided. However, he appealed to motorists and residents to increase their vigilance by not passing through the area when the water level increased and fled to safer areas.
Drivers also do not pass through hilly areas prone to landslides, in minimizing casualties, Warsito said.

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