Crown Of St Edward Embedded, King Charles III Officially Becomes British Leader
British leader King Charles III. (Wikimedia Commons/House of Lords 2022 / Photography by live Moeller)

JAKARTA - King Charles III has been officially named King of England. Theappropriation procession was carried out at Westminster Abbey, Saturday, May 6.

In the meritorious process, the Crown of St. Edward was pinned to King Charles III. The Crown of St. Edward is a crown traditionally used to crowned the king and queen of the British rulers, in theirpinning since the 13th century.

The meritorious event was also led by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby.

"Kings of all kings, bless us, we beg you, this Crown, and purify Your servant Charles who is above his head today placed as a sign of the kingdom," he said.

"So that it can be crowned with Your generosity and filled with abundant grace and all virtues."

"God save The King," he said after embedding the crown on King Charles III's head.

King Charles III officially took the throne to replace his late mother, Queen Elizabeth II, who died at the end of 2022. Queen Elizabet II has ruled for 70 years.

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