JAKARTA - The President has appointed Komjen Listyo Sigit Prabowo as the sole candidate for National Police Chief to replace General Idham Azis. After this, Listyo must pass a fit and proper test before serving as the National Police Chief.

In the test, Listyo will present his work program and policies if he later becomes the number one person in the Police. The Indonesian Parliament scheduled a fit and proper test to be held on Wednesday, January 20.

To face the test, Listyo made a number of preparations. One of them is preparing the material that will be presented. A team of experts was formed to prepare it.

After the completion of the drafting, the materials that were put together into a paper were finally submitted by Commission III of the DPR-RI, on Tuesday, January 19.

"The material has been submitted to Commission III of the DPR, by the Head of the Manuscript Team, Inspector General Pol Wahyu Widada (Aceh Police Chief) accompanied by the Head of Propam Polri, Inspector General Pol Ferdy Sambo," said Head of Public Relations Division of the National Police, Inspector General Argo Yuwono in his statement, Tuesday, January 19.

Meanwhile, regarding the content of the material, Argo was reluctant to comment much. He only outlined the contents of the paper, namely the policy or work program if he passed as Chief of Police.

"The point is the Kapolri's work program going forward. Tomorrow we will listen and watch together during the fit and proper test at the DPR, "he said.

Advice from Tito Karnavian

Besides that, Listyo also prepared himself mentally. He went to the previous Chief of Police for advice and input. One of those visited was the Minister of Home Affairs, General (Purn) Tito Karnavian.

Several suggestions were given, one of which was related to how to deal with seniors. It is undeniable that when Listyo was appointed as the sole candidate for National Police Chief, many of his seniors were bypassed. This also happened during the Tito Karnavian era.

"Among them is how for internal solidity, because Pak Sigit is the same as me, there are many seniors above," said Tito

Not only about internal solidity, Tito also admitted that he had also provided input to Komjen Listyo Sigit about other performances in law enforcement.

"The second is how to strengthen the binmas ranks. Then we also convey other performances in strict law enforcement, with binmas activities," he said.

In addition to input, Tito also asked Polri for support from Komjen Listyo Sigit in terms of cooperation during the Pilkada stage, which is now entering the dispute trial stage at the Constitutional Court (MK).

"Then I also asked for support to Pak Sigit, because this is one of the tasks of the Ministry of Home Affairs to be the spearhead of the government in the Pilkada that we have been through," he said.

The simultaneous 2020 Regional Head Elections (Pilkada), continued Tito, still have "tails", namely related to disputes submitted to the Constitutional Court.

"This must also be guarded so that conflicts don't occur. This requires cooperation from the Ministry of Home Affairs and the support of all stakeholders, including the National Police," he said.

Then, he admitted that he had also discussed the cooperation between the Ministry of Home Affairs and the National Police on various issues. Mainly, said Tito, in supporting the Government's program for vaccination and handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

"We talked about the situation in Central Sulawesi, how the terrorists were, then the situation in Papua, how the cooperation between the National Police and the Ministry of Home Affairs, in addition we also talked about the cooperation between the National Police and the Ministry of Home Affairs in order to support each other to help the President overcome the pandemic problem. , vaccinations, he said.

Notes for the candidate for Chief of Police

Approaching the fit and proper test, a number of parties have noted what to do if Komjen Listyo Sigit Prabiwo later passes and serves as the National Police Chief.

One of the parties who provided notes was Kompolnas. Kompolnas notes that Listyo must complete two homeworks.

"So the challenges in the future are internal, external," said Kompolnas Daily Chairman Benny Mamoto

From an internal perspective, he continued, there are several things that must be considered, such as the sustainability of cultural reforms and building solidity within the Bhayangkara Corps. This needs to be done so that the future performance of the police will be more solid.

Meanwhile, from an external point of view, the police must be more prepared for the 4.0 revolution which makes various crimes more modern because they are assisted by technology.

"In addition, the National Police must continue to upgrade its human resources for knowledge of crimes that use technology. If this is not left behind and this is rapid, it will cross countries. So it will be global," he said.

"For example, cyber crime, a group of Chinese citizens who rent a house in luxury housing, 25 people. It turns out that their job is to respect officials in their country. Well, that must be sought for a solution," added Benny.

Not only that, in the future, Kompolnas also hopes that the police can make legal breakthroughs. "So this is a challenge in the future," he said.

Even though this work is so much, Benny said Kompolnas is sure that Listyo will be able to complete it if he has passed the due diligence and was appointed as Chief of Police. "I am sure that his background with this matter, with his strong team, can overcome it," he said

In addition, the Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK) also provides notes to the candidate for Chief of Police. There are at least 7 things that must be resolved.

Deputy Chairperson of LPSK Edwin Partogi Pasaribu said that this note pertains to law enforcement mechanisms, such as what the Chief of Police will implement in response to cases of torture committed by unscrupulous members of the National Police.

LPSK records in 2020, there were 13 applications for protection in cases of torture, while in 2019 it was higher with 24 applications.

"This means that there will be a 54 percent reduction in cases of torture in 2020 compared to 2019. However, if you refer to the number of cases protected, in 2020 there will be 37 LPSK protected from torture," said Edwin.

Then, Edwin said that the candidate for the National Police Chief must also complete one of the events that attracted attention or what is known as the KM 50 incident. In this shirt six FPI soldiers were killed.

"Komnas HAM recommends that the incident be processed in the criminal general justice mechanism. It is better if the Police Chief should follow the example of the Army Chief of Staff who firmly processed the law of TNI personnel in the Intan Jaya incident," he said.

Second, said Edwin, how was the National Police Chief responding to the spread of hoaxes and hate speech which has continued to increase in recent years.

The Polda Metro Jaya in 2020 handled 443 cases of hoaxes and hate speech. A total of 1,448 social media accounts have been taken down, while 14 cases have been thoroughly investigated.

"What often arises to become a public question regarding this case is the extent to which the National Police acted impartially regardless of the political affiliation of the perpetrators," said Edwin.

Third, what is the restorative justice approach that will be developed by the National Police regarding overcapacity prison conditions in which the number of prisoners who enter is not directly proportional to the prison capacity.

"This situation should be addressed by the National Police using a restorative justice approach as an alternative to solving criminal acts," said Edwin.

Fourth, how is the National Police Chief's efforts to fight corruption in his corps, such as the example of Djoko Tjandra's fake letter case which is inseparable from the practice of bribery and has placed two police generals as defendants.

"It is the duty of the National Police Chief to ensure that legal services and processes in his body are free from transactional practices that can diminish public trust," he said.

Fifth, cases of sexual violence against children and women are still a national concern. During the pandemic, LPSK records in 2020 there were 245 applications for this case, a decrease of 31.75 percent compared to 2019.

"The National Police is demanded to actively conduct cyber patrols to combat pornographic content in cyberspace," said Edwin.

Sixth, what is the strategy for collaboration and synergy between the Police in law enforcement with LPSK, KPK, the Attorney General's Office, and others.

"Kapolri is expected to be able to build coordination and synergy, not stop being a slogan," he said.

He also appreciated the Police for their collaboration with LPSK in protecting victims of the Crime of Human Trafficking (TIP) and terrorism. The hope is that the collaboration can continue in other cases such as corruption.

Finally, how is the National Police's strategy to improve security in the terrorism zone in Central Sulawesi and armed violence groups in Papua, which have the potential to cause casualties from the community.

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