JAKARTA - The Diamond Princess cruise ship is in the world spotlight. This is because the ship docked in Yokohama, Japan, found cases of the corona virus or COVID-19. As many as 175 of the 3,700 people on board have been infected with the virus. Now, the ship is entering quarantine since the first cases of the virus were discovered on February 4.

The ship was boarded by various people from abroad, including 78 Indonesian citizens. The Indonesian citizens who were there were the crew of the ship.

Health quarantine officers sent by the Japanese Ministry of Health continue to monitor the medical records of the passengers on the ship. This includes the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo, which monitors the health of Indonesian citizens there. As many as 78 Indonesians were in good health, but they asked for help to send a number of logistics they wanted, including instant noodles and fluids to relieve colds.

The logistical needs were sent by the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo on Wednesday, February 12. They shared the information on their official Twitter, @KBRITokyo. They uploaded a photo of a logistics shipment with the caption, "The Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo (12Feb) delivered the cold relief fluid requested by Indonesian citizens on board the Diamond Princess ship which is being quarantined for observation in Yokohama, as well as Instant Noodles and Vitamin C. Photo: items delivered by staff The Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo to the port officer. "

The Indonesian representative on the ship happily accepted the shipment from the Indonesian Embassy in Tokyo. This shipment is quite entertaining for them during the quarantine period.

Previously, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed that 78 Indonesian citizens who were crew members on the Japanese cruise ship, Diamond Princess, were negative for the corona virus (COVID-19). The Director of Protection for Indonesian Citizens and Indonesian Legal Entities at the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Judha Nugraha, said they were all in good health.

The Diamond Princess cruise ship became a coronavirus quarantine place after one of the passengers who disembarked in Hong Kong tested positive for the virus in January. The cruise ship was then quarantined on their way off the coast of Yokohama since February 3, but is now allowed to dock for the process of moving the infected passengers to isolation.

Through an official statement from the Princess Cruises company posted on their website, explaining that all crew members have been checked for health by the Japanese Ministry of Health, then they fulfill their duties as usual. "Meanwhile, when not working, crew members are asked to be in their cabin," wrote the company.

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