JAKARTA - Lampung Governor Arinal Djunaidi remained in the spotlight when President Jokowi directly checked the damaged road in Lampung.

Jokowi 'tricked' the Governor of Lampung Arinal because crossing the road was still damaged, not the road that was repaired first last night when Arinal prepared Jokowi's arrival.

Arinal's position while accompanying President Jokowi was highlighted. Starting from the happy applause, aka joy when Jokowi spoke about disbursing Rp800 billion to take over the repair of damaged roads in Lampung, until the governor of Lampung asked his own citizens, "What is this area called?".

The following is the profile and wealth of the Governor of Lampung Arinal Djunaidi.

Arinal Djunaidi was born in Lampung on June 17, 1956. Arinal is a politician from the Golkar Party (Golkar). Before becoming governor, Arinal served as Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Lampung Province for the 2014-2016 period.

Prior to his career in politics, Arinal Djunaidi received education at the University of Lampung in 1981. Graduated from college, Arinal continued his education at the Advanced Level Administration Leadership School in 1993.

In 1996, Arinal Djunaidi attended the Staff Training and Leaders of the First Level Administration. He continued his Staff Training and Secondary Level Administration Leadership in 2002. Until now, he has received the mandate as Chairman of the Golkar Party DPD Lampung Province since 2017.

Based on data from the State Officials Wealth Report (LHKPN), Lampung Governor Arinal Djunaidi has assets of IDR 22,600,702,572. Arinal's total wealth was reported on March 22, 2022 for period 2021.

Arinal Djunaidi's total wealth comes from various sources of income, ranging from land and buildings, means of transportation, to cash or cash equivalents.

The following are the details of the assets of the Governor of Lampung Arinal Djunaidi:

Land And Buildings

Transportation Equipment

Movable Assets

Arinal Djunaidi is known to have movable assets with a value of Rp320,186,200.

Cash And Cash Equivalence

Arinal Djunaidi owns Kas and Setara Kas in the amount of Rp. 14,710,660,798.

However, Arinal Djunaidi was also reported to have a debt of Rp. 14,891,336. Of the total wealth of Rp. 22,615,593,908 minus the debt, the assets of the Governor of Lampung are Rp. 22,600,702,572.

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