JAKARTA - The Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) appealed to the public to be aware of the transmission of COVID-19 in line with the increase in the occupancy of patient care beds infected with the Corona Virus. "As of Wednesday, there were 2,647 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia with 25 deaths. The increase in cases was also accompanied by an increase in patient care at the hospital," said Ministry of Health spokesman Mohammad Syahril in Jakarta, Antara, Thursday, May 4. Based on reports sourced from hospital online services on May 3, 2023 at 14.00 WIB and the provincial health office (Dinkes) showed the occupancy of patient beds in hospitals nationally at 8.1 percent of the total 42,293 units of bed availability. This number consists of isolation beds and intensive care beds for COVID-19 patients. In the same period, he continued, as many as five hospitals experienced an increase in occupancy by more than 50 percent, namely Dr M Djamil Hospital, Dr Tadjuddin Chalid Hospital, Dr. Ario Wirawan Hospital, Prof. Dr. RD Kandou Hospital, and Dr. Cariadi Hospital. On January 1 to May 3, 2023, the total number of COVID-19 patients hospitalized was 22,666 people. Meanwhile, there were 2,696 patients who were still being treated as of Wednesday (3/5) consisting of 2,556 isolation patients and 140 intensive patients. Of the 22,666 COVID-19 patients hospitalized, 34.5 percent or the equivalent of 7,813 patients have not received the COVID-19 vaccination and are dominated by the elderly. "And during that period 1,423 COVID-19 patients died in the hospital, almost half of them have not been vaccinated," he said. Syahril, who also serves as President Director of RSPI Sulianti Saroso, appealed to the public to be vigilant. Although there has been no spike in cases, the increase in cases continues and is accompanied by an increase in the occupancy of beds in hospitals. " “People don't let your guard down. Tighten health protocols again, especially wearing masks and doing boosters immediately, ” he said. This effort was made to protect the public from the transmission of COVID-19 and prevent a spike in cases such as what occurred in the period July to August 2021 due to the Delta variant. Syahril said that cooperation from the community is needed to maintain discipline in health protocols, wear masks, wash hands diligently, and those who have not been vaccinated against boosters immediately. “ All parties must understand that with the level of community movement getting higher, the risk of transmission is also getting higher. But that risk can be prevented if people are obedient and disciplined in implementing health protocols, "” he said.

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