Members of the Tamansari Metro Police arrested two fake police officers with the initials SN (29) and SO (67) while carrying out a fraud in the Kota Tua area, West Jakarta.

The two perpetrators were caught committing fraud and confiscation of two minors. Sadly, one of the perpetrators is an elderly person aged 67 years.

The Head of the Tamansari Metro Police, Kompol Adhi Wananda, said that when he was arrested, the two perpetrators tried to scare two victims who were minors.

"The two fake police officers frightened their victims and claimed to be police officers. Then they frightened the victim and then took the victim's belongings," said Kompol Adhi Wananda when confirmed, Thursday, May 4.

Kompol Adhi explained that the perpetrators had often acted around the Kota Tua area, Taman Fatahillah, West Jakarta. The perpetrators looked for targets and took advantage of the moment when the Kota Tua area was being visited by the public.

"The perpetrators have acted 7 times in the same location. They pretended to be members of the police who were looking for the perpetrators of the crime against the victims of the persecution," he said.

In each of his crimes, after the two perpetrators received the proceeds of crimes such as cellphones, the goods were immediately sold to collectors. The two perpetrators were listed as residents of Semanan, Kalideres, West Jakarta.

"They are unemployed or not working, we also help secure evidence including a striped jacket, 1 HT and a waist bag," he said.

As a result of his actions, the two perpetrators were charged with Article 335 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code and Article 80 in conjunction with 76 c of Law no. 35 of 2014 law - law no. 23 of 2002 concerning child protection.

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