SULTENG - Sigi Regency Government (Pemkab) closed illegal mining activities or without a permit (peti) in Sindondo Satu Village, Sigi Biromaru District. This effort is a form of control to preserve the environment.

"The Sigi Regency Government is committed to organizing sustainable environmental management and green investment because activities that can produce major impacts on environmental damage will certainly be brought under control," said Sigi Regent Mohamad Irwan in Sigi, Central Sulawesi (Sulteng), Wednesday, May 3, as reported by Antara.

The Regent admitted that the control of mining activities without a permit in Sindondo Satu Village was carried out by the Sigi Regency Government together with the TNI and Polri as well as the Lore Lindu National Park (TNLL).

Before controlling it, the Sigi Regency Government together with related parties first held a coordination meeting to discuss mining without the permit.

The Regent admitted that this was done by the Sigi Regency Government starting from reports from the people of▁umumnyado Village One about the existence of gold mining activities in the village.

"Along with that, the local village head also admitted that there were individuals who came to him to ask for permission to carry out mining activities, but the village head did not allow them," he said.

Along the way, there were residents who admitted that mining land without a permit was his land, which was then collaborated with one of the companies to carry out mining activities.

"We have reviewed this location and we have closed our mining activities," he said.

The Regent also stated that the Sigi Regency Government together with the TNI and Polri would take firm action against those who carried out illegal mining.

"Moreover, the location is in the Protected area of Lore Lindu National Park," he said.

He hopes that there will be no more unlawful acts such as mining activities without permits carried out by the community, especially by destroying forests.

"This Pet activity can result in a fairly large flood that can harm the entire community who live in Sayangdo Satu Village," he said.

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