JAKARTA - One of the skills that is absolutely owned to be ready and able to keep up with developments in the era of technological sophistication is mastery of English. In addition to being useful as a means of cross-language and cultural communication, adding insight and knowledge, understanding technology, and others, this ability also opens up opportunities for an individual to improve the standard of living and even encourage the progress of a nation.
As the largest English school in the world, EF Indonesia is committed to participating in advancing education in the country, especially in increasing English language skills and developing sustainable fun learning methods.
Country Director of EF English First Kids & Teens, Afan Suryadi said that the efforts made were not only using EF methods and learning programs, but also through the implementation of support programs under the umbrella of the Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR) program which focused on collaboration and sustainability. It is time for us to accelerate the readiness and scarcity of the nation's next generation to welcome the era of Society 5.0.
Marketing Director of EF Kids & Teens Amalia Yaksa Parijata also added that EF continues to make a positive contribution to Indonesia's current and future education and improvement in the quality of Indonesian Human Resources (HR). Armed with more than 30 years of experience in honing and increasing the English skills of students in more than 80 schools spread across 35 major cities in Indonesia, EF wants to be able to eliminate the challenges of language differences, culture and geographical factors.
"Therefore, we consistently continue to expand and strengthen collaboration to provide sustainable benefits, either through programs that we are undergoing or those that are synergized with various strategic partners," Amalia said in her statement, Wednesday, May 3.
Several steps or programs that have been completed include training on the development of the capacity of educator teachers together with the Help of Teacher Learning Again (BGBL), organizing webinars on Easy Ways to Teach English at PAUD with Paudtalk, and support programs for Young Teachers for TheFTure to various remote areas of Indonesia through the collaboration of the EF Hello Future program with Indonesia Teaching.
Since 2014 until now, EF has sent Young Teachers to support the development of teacher capacity to several remote areas of Indonesia such as Kab. Natuna, Riau, Kab. Paser in East Kalimantan, and Kab. Boalemo, Gorontalo.
More than 40 English teachers from various Junior High Schools (SMP) in Boalemo have received training that helps them in developing creative learning through digital media in a hybrid manner. The activity was also attended and witnessed by the Regent and representatives of the Boalemo Regency Education Office, Gorontalo Province.
This year will be the fifth year EF supports the EF Young Teachers' EF program. Along with the 2023 National Education Day milestones, EF and Indonesia Teaching will activate a series of onsite activities in Boalemo, Gorontalo. Starting from teacher training, simple English inspirational classes and training for elementary school children (SD) to doing activities with rural communities.
Lebih lanjut EF berkolaborasi dengan Dinas Pendidikan untuk memberikan pelatihan dan penyerangan moduli Fun Learning bagi tenaga pendidikan ( Guru SD/SMP). Rencana program telah diterima oleh Dinas Pendidik (Disdik) setempat untuk direalisasikan mulai bulan Mei tahun 2023 hingga jelang akhir tahun 2024 mendatang.
The areas that are receiving benefits from this year's program are Kab. Central Lombok (Mandalika), Kab. Samosir (Danau Toba), Kab. ADM. Kep. Seribu, and Kab. Probolinggo (Bromo). In 2024, the program will continue to Kab. Pandeglang (Tanjung Lesung) and Kab. Belitung (Tanjung Kalayang), and other areas that will be determined by Disdik.
Another synergy that is currently also being pursued with the government is the English language education program for tourism human resources which will focus on the Super Priority Tourism Area (DPSP) program area.
Juli Simatupang, Director of Corporate Affairs EF Indonesia also added that the activation of the program will all also be collaborated with the EF Center from each region.
"We really appreciate the remarks from stakeholders on every effort and step we take to be able to provide long-term benefits, not only for education actors but also for other sectors and the Indonesian people at large. We hope that the efforts and programs that we present can be realized properly and usefully," he concluded.
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