The police said the airsoft gun was not a weapon used by Mustopa, the shooter at the Central Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) office. From a temporary investigation, the perpetrator is said to be using an airgun.
"The weapon that should be suspected is currently being investigated through forensic, scientific, this type of airgun is currently going through the process," said Head of Public Relations of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Trunoyudo Wisnu Andiko to reporters, Tuesday, May 3.
Airguns are more dangerous and deadly than airsoft guns. This is because airguns use stronger Co2 gases as bullet boosters.
In addition, the bullets used are also in the form of small balls or Gotri made of metal. Meanwhile, the airsoft gun uses bullets from lighter plastics.
The shooting resulted in the injury of one MUI employee. Currently, the victim has undergone medical treatment.
After his condition improves, the victim will certainly be questioned. The goal is to shed light on the series of shootings.
"Then regarding one of the employees who later we will also carry out the examination process, from his application it is not the same as a firearm, so to emphasize that this is an airgun, but this requires a process of proving through forensics," Trunoyudo said.
Previously, Deputy Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Anwar Abbas said the shooting occurred before the perpetrator entered the elevator to meet the Head of MUI. However, it was prevented. And it is known that the weapon used by the perpetrators was an air softgun type.
Before he entered the elevator, it was a shooting. The weapon, the air softgun, yes. But there is a shell. So this has entered the criminal realm, threatening people's lives. " he said.
The shooting took place at the MUI office, Menteng, Central Jakarta. The shooting took place at around 10.30 WIB.
From the photos received, it appears that the MUI office's glass door is broken. Allegedly due to the shooting.
In the shooting, one MUI employee was injured. He was hit in the back.
On the other hand, Mustopa the shooter is said to have died after carrying out the action. However, the cause is not yet known.
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