JAKARTA - High intensity rain and runoff from the Krueng Baro Garo River caused flooding in Pidie District, Aceh Province on Monday, January 18 at 03.30 WIB with a water level of 70 centimeters.

Meanwhile, there are six sub-districts that were affected by the flood, namely Delima District, Pidie District, Padang Tiji District, Mila District, Glumpang Baro District and Indrajaya District.

BPBD Pidie Regency recorded 14 housing units submerged, 11,371 people affected and 1,080 people displaced.

The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Pidie Regency informed that currently the floods are gradually receding.

The BPBD Pidie Regency Rapid Response Team (TRC) conducted a quick assessment to collect data, coordinated with related parties and together with the joint team carried out evacuation of victims affected by the disaster.

Based on the monitoring of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), Pidie Regency has the potential to experience moderate to heavy rain which can be accompanied by lightning.

BNPB urges the public to remain vigilant and alert, in the midst of the rainy season which will occur until February 2021. The public can monitor weather forecast information through BMKG and check potential disasters around the area through InaRisk.

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