JAKARTA - North Sumatra Police officer AKBP Achiruddin Hasibuan (AH) is said to have deliberately allowed his son, Aditya Hasibuan, to abuse student Ken Admiral. The goal is to "finish" that night the problem between the child and the victim.

"The incident was witnessed by his parents," said Head of Propam Propam Polda North Sumatra Kombes Dudung Adijono at a press conference, Tuesday, April 25 evening.

"Allowed to fight so that it was over that night," continued Kombes Dudung.

Currently, AKBP Achiruddin Hasibuan (AH) is put in a special cell (patsus). AKBP AH will immediately undergo a code of ethics trial for violating Police Regulation Number 7 of 2022.

"Because he was proven to have violated the code of ethics, we will hold the person concerned (AKBP Achiruddin Hasibuan) in a special place," said Kombes Dudung.

As previously reported, the police named Aditya Hasibuan (AH), son of a North Sumatran Police officer with the rank of AKBP as a suspect in abuse. AH persecutes a student named Ken Admiral in Medan Helvetia.

"Holding a special case on April 25, AH's brother was named a suspect," said North Sumatra Police Director of Criminal Investigation Commissioner Sumaryono at a press conference, Tuesday, April 25 evening.

Sumaryono explained, AKBP's child abuse case against Ken Admiral occurred on Thursday 22 December 2022 around 02.30 WIB. The persecution occurred starting with the beating case that was carried out by AH against Ken Admiral.

"Starting from a chat between the reporter on behalf of Ken Admiral and the reporter on behalf of AH. The reporter asked the reporter what the relationship of the reporter was with a friend of the reporter on behalf of D (female). From the chat there was someone who was not pleased so the reported person beat and damaged the reporting car (Ken Admiral)," said Sumaryono.

From this incident, Ken Admiral then went to AH's house to ask for compensation for the damage to the car. Here AH then abused Ken Admiral.

"And then on December 22, 2022, the reporter and his friend's witnesses went to the house of the reported party to ask about the case of beating and destroying the complainant's car, and abuse occurred," said Sumaryono.

This case was initially handled by the Medan Polrestabes. However, it was later withdrawn to the North Sumatra Police. The reported party, called Sumaryono, also reported Ken Admiral back to the police.

"Why are we only raising this case today because the reporting brother studied abroad and only came to Medan a few days ago," he said.

The police are now detaining AH who is a suspect in abuse. Meanwhile, his father with the rank of AKBP was handled by North Sumatra Regional Police Propam.

"In accordance with the investigation process, tonight we will make arrests and detentions," said Sumaryono.

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