REJANG LEBONG - The Health Office (Dinkes) of Rejang Lebong Regency, Bengkulu Province is submitting a request for additional doctors on duty in the area. "Of the 21 health centers in Rejang Lebong Regency, there is still one health center that does not have a doctor, namely the Sindang Plain Health Center, we have submitted additional additions to the Rejang Lebong Regency Government or to the central government," said Acting Head of the Rejang Lebong District Health Office, Rephido Satria when contacted in Rejang Lebong, Antara, Sunday, April 23. He explained that the needs of doctors in the area previously every puskesmas in Rejang Lebong already had it, but not long after, there were doctors who passed the selection of civil servants in other areas, resulting in a vacancy. "Previously, the Padang City Health Center did not have a doctor, but there were already doctors from the PPPK health who had just graduated there and starting April on duty. Meanwhile, doctors at the Sindang Puskesmas Puskesmas Pulau passed the civil servant test in Jambi," he explained. To fill the shortage of doctors, his party has offered a doctor who will serve at the Sindang Puskesmas Pulau with the status of a regional honorary or THL with a monthly salary of Rp. 5 million, but so far no one has applied. He hopes that in the near future he will receive medical personnel assistance from the central government either through the Nusantara Sehat program or fulfilled through Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK). Previously, the Rejang Lebong District Health Office had submitted a proposal to add 351 PPPK in the health sector, even though in 2022 77 people had received the PPPK personnel allocation in the health sector. The proposal for the addition of PPPK in the health sector was made to fill the shortage of health workers in 21 health centers spread over 15 sub-districts in Rejang Lebong to fulfill the nine elements of power consisting of two age doctors, one dentist, then one pharmacist and others.

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