JAKARTA - Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) appreciates the performance of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, who has optimally arranged the Lebaran 2023 homecoming route, especially on the island of Java.

According to IPW, General Sigit has succeeded in leading his staff to secure this year's homecoming.

"Especially, in overcoming traffic jams for decades on the Java Trans Toll Road," said IPW Chairman Sugeng Teguh Santoso in a written statement, Sunday, April 23.

Sugeng said that Sigit had mobilized all its members to directly lead the flow of homecoming and back to Lebaran 2023.

"This is thanks to the hard work of the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo who mobilized all his members and cooperated with the Ministry of Transportation and the local government," he said.

"To overcome this year's Eid, the National Police Chief even dispatched five Commissioner Generals to directly lead the homecoming and backflow of Lebaran 2023," he added.

For your information, Sigit has given special directions to five 3-star generals regarding the smooth and safe security of the Eid Al-Fitr 2023 homecoming, including the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Agus Andrianto, for the Banten area, the Head of the National Police, Komjen Fadil Imran, for the Polda Metro Jaya area.

Then, Kabaintelkam Polri Komjen Wahyu Widada for West Java, Kalemdiklat Polri Komjen Purwadi Ariyanto in Central Java, and Dankor Brimob Komjen Anang Revandoko in East Java.

Through the Traffic Corps, the National Police has also implemented traffic engineering with a one-way system for days on the TransJava Toll Road to the east, in order to unravel the flow of vehicles and minimize congestion.

One way has also been implemented starting from the Cipali Toll Road, West Java to the Kalikangkung Toll Road, Central Java. In addition, the police apply an opposite directional system or contra flow in traffic control during homecoming flow.

Meanwhile, for the flow of homecoming from Java to Sumatra, the National Police is working with ASDP to open three ferry ports for travelers, namely Merak, Ciwandan, and Bandar Bakau Jaya ports.

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