Sulbar Starts To Be Conducive, A Number Of Residents Come To See The Condition Of The House
Earthquake in West Sulawesi (Photo: Antara)

JAKARTA - Conditions in West Sulawesi have started to be conducive. In fact, a number of residents began arriving to see their homes after the earthquake some time ago.

"Electricity gradually returned to normal, and several residents came to see the condition of their homes directly after the earthquake," said one member of the SAR Unhas Abdul Rauf Musadat in Majene, as reported by Antara, Monday, January 18.

Rauf explained, currently the Unhas SAR team is in Majene to carry out the evacuation process while still carrying out the process of gathering information based on reports of residents who have lost family members.

In addition to deploying team members, SAR Unhas also opened donations for community members who wanted to distribute aid to disaster victims.

"We hope that this disaster does not happen again, and for the missing victims can be found soon. As well as the displaced people can receive aid fairly and equally," he said.

"SAR Unhas will also continue to strive to be actively involved in helping residents," he continued.

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