SOLO - The Solo City Government (Pemkot) is following up on complaints submitted to the Manpower Office regarding the Holiday Allowance (THR).
Head of the Solo Manpower Service (Disnaker) Widyastuti Pratiwiningsih said the number of complaints submitted regarding THR to date is 38 complaints.
"However, we have followed up and the problem was answered," said Widyastuti in Solo, Central Java, Antara, Tuesday, April 18.
For the incoming complaints, including those related to the THR given in installments, regarding the amount of THR that is not in accordance with the one-time salary rule, and the payment mechanism.
"So far, the most related is the amount of THR. Yes, if the provisions are one salary for THR, but some are given less. They consider it less. If it is adjusted to the rules during his work in less than a year, the distribution is the working month, so the understanding that may not yet be," he said.
In addition, he said, there was also a THR payment that was less than it should have been because the company's condition had not returned to normal after being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.
"If later there are still things that cannot be overcome, so the realm of the Central Java Province Manpower Supervisory Unit. So we will also report to it after we have a mediation and clarification process," he said.
He said that so far there have been two reports related to the payment of THR in installments which was followed up by the Central Java Province Manpower Supervisory Unit.
"However, these two have been strengthened by a bipartite agreement between workers and the company," he said.
Previously, Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka ensured the supervision of THR payments by private companies.
"What is clear is that we are monitoring private companies," he said.
He also tried to ensure that the THR was given on time and no one was paid in installments. Related to this, according to him, so far there has been no objection from the company regarding THR payments. "What is certain is not to pay in installments," he said.
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