West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Police Traffic Director Kombes Pol Djoni said airports and ports in NTB will be the main focus of securing his party regarding the 2023 Eid homecoming flow.

"It is at airports and ports. The focus is on securing homecoming there," said Djoni in Mataram, Thursday, April 13, as quoted by Antara.

According to him, the intensity of the homecoming flow for the NTB region is not as severe as in Java and Sumatra.

"So, in NTB there is no congestion when going home, such as in Java and Sumatra," he said.

Nevertheless, Djoni said that based on data from the homecoming flow the previous year, the highest intensity was at Lembar Port, West Lombok Regency; Kayangan Port, East Lombok Regency; Pototano Port, West Sumbawa Regency; and Zainuddin Abdul Madjid International Airport (BIZAM), Central Lombok Regency.

From the point of view of the arrival, Djoni assured that his party would prepare an integrated security post and service for travelers.

"Maybe almost the same as the previous year there will be 25 security posts and seven service posts. These posts will support comfort for travelers," he said.

Before the officers carry out their duties in the field, Djoni assured that his party would also carry out preoperative training and deploy security forces.

"The goal is for those who work to understand the pattern of security and service when there is an incident in the field," he said.

He predicts the intensity of this year's homecoming flow is higher than the previous year, so his party will implement a maximum security pattern.

"The number of travelers this year will be more, so we will carry out a security pattern more optimally. Of course, so that things don't happen that we don't want," he said.

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