Central Java Police Chief Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi, Governor Ganjar Pranowo and Pangdam IV/Diponegoro Major General Widi Prasetijono coordinated to optimize the security of homecoming flow and backflow of Eid al-Fitr 1444 H in 2023, Central Java Police.

Inspector General Ahmad Luthfi said that cross-sectoral coordination meetings were held to prepare for the Ketupat Candi Operation which will be held from April 18 to May 1, 2023. There are 21 thousand personnel who will be involved in the operation.

He said, the Central Java Forkompinda together with elements of society will work hand in hand and maximize their respective roles in securing the flow of homecoming and return to the upcoming Eid al-Fitr.

"We are deploying 21,000 personnel spread across 253 security posts throughout Central Java, by cooperating with Forkopimda or stakeholders, including the TNI, Polri and elements of the community," he added.

It is said, the peak of Eid al-Fitr homecoming on April 19, 2023. His party has prepared toll roads, central committees, southern and southern routes that are ready for travelers to pass.

Specifically for toll roads, a national one way will be applied, in detail the mechanism is from the Korlantas Police Headquarters.

"One way later from the Palimanan toll gate to Kalikangkung, for example, the density will be extended to Bawen," he explained.

Meanwhile, one local way, his party has also prepared traffic flow engineering.

"One local way the authority of the Regional Police, when there is a traffic density, it will be dumped in Kaligawe, Batang, and other exit. So that during the buildup in Kaligawe there will be no buildup," said the Kapolda.

Meanwhile, Pangdam IV/Diponegoro Maj. Gen. Widi Prasetijono said that in support of the 2023 Candi ketupat operation, there were 3,860 TNI members prepared in all regional command under the control of the Dandim.

"These soldiers will later be seconded to support the police and the internal government. The security of going home and returning to Lebaran," he said.

In addition, there are also 1,080 reserve personnel who are ready to be mobilized at any time to assist with security.

"Whether what is prepared will run according to the scenario or not, it must be anticipated. If needed they are ready to move," he said.

Meanwhile, Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo added that Central Java is the homecoming track with the highest number of travelers in Indonesia.

"As a regional head, I try to respond to our synergy between the police and the TNI to make homecoming a success," he said.

Ganjar admitted that he had asked his staff to immediately repair the road because there were many complaints about damaged roads that would be passed by travelers.

"I ask the mayor to make acceleration in areas that are badly damaged 24 hours," he said.

Then also anticipate the spilled market which is a crowd, Governor Ganjar asked the travelers to keep them from causing traffic jams.

"We will also prepare several buildings around the highway to anticipate if necessary some kind of emergency rest area," he said.

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