JAKARTA - Anticipating the accumulation of vehicles and the Delaying strategy of the system in two rest areas on the 2023 Eid homecoming flow, the Banten Regional Police (Polda) made preparations for the ports of Ciwandan and Merak. Head of Operations for the Banten Police, Kombes Dedi Suhartono in Serang, said that there were two ports operated in this year's homecoming, namely Ciwandan Port and Merak Port.

At Ciwan Port and two-wheeled vehicle services for the period H-7 to D-1 are served from Ciwandan - Bakaheuni, the period D-3 to D-1 is served from Ciwandan - Panjang, Class V B truck services for the period H-4 to H-1 are served through the port of Ciwandan. Class VI B truck services for the period H-7 to H-1 are served through Ciwandan Port. For Merak ports, especially four-wheeled vehicles and buses bound for Sumatra for homecoming and return to Merak Port, and for Class V B trucks for the period H-7 to H-5 are served through Merak Port. "We hope that the Eid homecoming flow runs smoothly," he explained. Dedi explained in order to anticipate vehicle evaporation, there are several alternative routes to Merak Port.

"They travelers can cross the South Ring Road as an alternative route option to Merak Port or Ciwandan. Dedi explained that there is a Delaying System Strategy that applies to 2 rest areas. Delay System is carried out in two rest areas, namely KM 43 toll road Jakarta Merak and KM 68 and Buffer Zone will be prepared at KM 97.. "And for Indah Kiat Port it will function as an alternative or contingency plan if needed," said Dedi.

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