JAKARTA - Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Muhammadiyah will send a team to help earthquake victims in Mamuju and Majene, West Sulawesi (Sulbar).

"Please pray that NU Cares for the Disaster is also moving towards the location affected by the earthquake," said Robikin Emhas, Chairman of the NU Executive Board, quoted by Antara, Friday, January 15.

He said the Majene earthquake was a sorrow for all. He invited the community to strengthen solidarity in helping to ease the burden on the victims affected by the disaster.

"Hopefully the affected victims will be given strength, patience and fortitude to face the calamities that occur," he said. He also hoped that neither side took advantage of the disaster to take advantage.

"Please do not have parties who misuse the momentum of this disaster to create and spread hoaxes and 'fake news', let alone hate speech," he said.

Meanwhile, the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership has coordinated to deploy a team to help victims at the disaster site.

Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Disaster Management Center (MDMC) Budi Setiawan said that his party had coordinated with MDMC Luwuk, MDMC South Sulawesi and MDMC Central Sulawesi.

"I have instructed me to immediately go to Mamuju. MDMC East Kalimantan has also been asked to provide support in responding to the 6.2 magnitude earthquake," he explained.

PP Muhammadiyah MDMC Emergency Response Division Coordinator, Indrayanto, said MDMC was constrained in communicating with MDMC West Sulawesi.

"It is possible that because the communication facility was damaged, we have difficulty communicating with MDMC West Sulawesi. However, we had time to get information in the form of photos of the active responses that our volunteers had done there, "he said.

Based on this information, he said, West Sulawesi MDMC volunteers have gone directly to the field to help the affected residents. The first priority carried out at this time is to evacuate residents who are still trapped in collapsed buildings.

Indrayanto said further that MDMC will mobilize the necessary resources to help affected residents, including the possibility of deploying teams from various clusters such as health, psychosocial, shelter and sanitation.

"Judging from the initial information that came in, the damage caused by this earthquake was quite massive. Therefore, we will likely have to muster all the force needed to help the affected people, ”he said.

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