The West Aceh Police have resolved a case of alleged criminal acts of beating a minor in Meulaboh, the local district capital through restorative justice (RJ). "We are doing restorative justice in this case after the parents of both parties (the victim and perpetrator) agreed to resolve this case through peace," said West Aceh Police Chief AKBP Pandji Santoso in Meulaboh, Antara, Tuesday, April 4. The case of the beating was experienced by a 15-year-old victim on Saturday, April 1 in a mosque in Meulaboh, the capital of West Aceh Regency. The trigger is a trivial problem where the victim refuses to give cigarettes to the perpetrators. The restorative justice arrangement is contained in the Chief of Police Circular Number: SE/8/VI/2018 of 2018 concerning the Implementation of Restorative Justice in the Settlement of Criminal Cases. Then this is also regulated in the National Police Chief Regulation Number 6 of 2019 concerning Criminal Investigation, Prosecutor's Regulation Number 15 of 2020 concerning Termination of Prosecution Based on Restorative Justice. As well as the Decree of the Director General of the General Court of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia Number: 1691/DJU/SK/PS.00/12/2020 concerning the Enforcement of Guidelines for the Implementation of Restorative Justice. Pandji Santoso appealed to all people in West Aceh to continue to maintain security and order in their respective environments, so that the implementation of worship in the holy month of Ramadan 1444 Hijri will be more solemn and blessed.

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